1926. Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze

Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze

Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze

You are given an m x n matrix maze (0-indexed) with empty cells (represented as '.') and walls (represented as '+'). You are also given the entrance of the maze, where entrance = [entrancerow, entrancecol] denotes the row and column of the cell you are initially standing at.

In one step, you can move one cell updownleft, or right. You cannot step into a cell with a wall, and you cannot step outside the maze. Your goal is to find the nearest exit from the entrance. An exit is defined as an empty cell that is at the border of the maze. The entrance does not count as an exit.

Return the number of steps in the shortest path from the entrance to the nearest exit, or -1 if no such path exists.


Example 1:

Nearest Exit

Input: maze = [["+","+",".","+"],[".",".",".","+"],["+","+","+","."]], entrance = [1,2]
Output: 1

Explanation: There are 3 exits in this maze at [1,0], [0,2], and [2,3].
Initially, you are at the entrance cell [1,2].
- You can reach [1,0] by moving 2 steps left.
- You can reach [0,2] by moving 1 step up.
It is impossible to reach [2,3] from the entrance.
Thus, the nearest exit is [0,2], which is 1 step away.

Example 2:

Nearest Exit - Example

Input: maze = [["+","+","+"],[".",".","."],["+","+","+"]], entrance = [1,0]
Output: 2
Explanation: There is 1 exit in this maze at [1,2].
[1,0] does not count as an exit since it is the entrance cell.
Initially, you are at the entrance cell [1,0].
- You can reach [1,2] by moving 2 steps right.
Thus, the nearest exit is [1,2], which is 2 steps away.

Example 3:

Nearest Exit - Example 2

Input: maze = [[".","+"]], entrance = [0,0]
Output: -1
Explanation: There are no exits in this maze.



  • maze.length == m
  • maze[i].length == n
  • 1 <= m, n <= 100
  • maze[i][j] is either '.' or '+'.
  • entrance.length == 2
  • 0 <= entrancerow < m
  • 0 <= entrancecol < n
  • entrance will always be an empty cell.

Approach) BFS ( Breadth First Search )

 * @param {character[][]} maze
 * @param {number[]} entrance
 * @return {number}
const dx = [1, -1, 0, 0], dy = [0, 0, 1, -1];
const nearestExit = (g, entrance) => {
    let [n, m, ex, ey] = [g.length, g[0].length, entrance[0], entrance[1]];
    let dis = initialize2DArrayNew(n, m);
    let q = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { // find all exits
        for (let j = 0; j < m; j++) {
            if ((i == ex && j == ey) || g[i][j] == '+') continue;
            if (i == 0 || i == n - 1 || j == 0 || j == m - 1) {
                q.push([i, j]);
                dis[i][j] = 0; // reset to 0 for calculating the min path
    while (q.length) { // bfs
        let cur = q.shift();
        let [x, y] = cur;
        for (let k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
            let xx = x + dx[k];
            let yy = y + dy[k];
            if (xx < 0 || xx >= n || yy < 0 || yy >= m || g[xx][yy] == '+') continue; // out of bound or wall
            if (dis[xx][yy] > dis[x][y] + 1) { // update min path
                dis[xx][yy] = dis[x][y] + 1;
                q.push([xx, yy]);
    let res = dis[ex][ey];
    return res == Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ? -1 : res;

const initialize2DArrayNew = (n, m) => { 
    let data = []; 
    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { 
        let tmp = Array(m).fill(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); 
    return data; 


That’s all folks! In this post, we solved The LeetCode problem 1926. Nearest Exit from the Entrance in Maze

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